Like anyone engaged in a particular craft or activity on-the-go, knitters typically have a collection of useful items that they carry around with them all the time: tools, accessories, gizmos, tchotchkes, call them what you like. We all devise our own ways of organizing these things and keeping them handy. Everyone who has been in the situation knows how frustrating it can be to hunt around urgently for the scissors, yarn needle, crochet hook, stitch marker, or whatever, and be unable to find it. We like to have everything right at our fingertips.
I recently completed two small projects that have both become lovely new additions to my knitting bag. They make me very happy, because each of them not only looks great but also meets a specific need. And the best part is that I designed them myself. It's always fun to see an idea come to fruition, especially when it actually WORKS and will not be left to rot on the dust-heap of history, as it were...
For years I kept my portable array of knitting tools in, of all things, a silver beaded evening purse (see left) that was given to me by a friend when her mother died and left her some things that she knew she would never use herself. It is just the right size, with a conveniently wide hinged opening, and the sheer frivolous luxury of an item like this always brings a smile to my face whenever I handle it. But it is fragile, I have to admit, and despite the TLC that I have tried to give it, wear and tear have taken a toll. Lately one or two strands of the beads actually worked loose. I was able to repair and/or conceal the damage, but I am awfully fond of this lovely little thing and do not want it to fall apart due to ill-use and/or neglect. Reluctantly, therefore, I was driven to the conclusion that it is now time to start using it only at home, where I can keep it safe, which means that I must find a substitute for my tools on the road.
So I reached for my handy stash of Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride worsted — those sweater leftovers sure can go a LONG WAY — to fashion a zippered pouch. I started in black with the magic cast-on method that is often used for toe-up socks, and then began working seamlessly in-the-round on two circular needles, gradually increasing in the first few rows to get the bottom curve just right. As soon as I could, I switched to one circular needle and a simple hexagonal mosaic pattern from Barbara Walker's Learn to Knit Afghan (as also seen on my felted folio). It is an especially fun pattern to knit because it uses slipped stitches to simulate the look of stranded knitting without ever having to work with more than one color at a time. I kept the black as a framework throughout but changed the color of the hexagons once per pattern repeat, following the same sequence of jewel tones that I had worked out to good effect for my Stained Glass beret. Stick with what works, right?
I wanted to end up with something ~6" square, but I deliberately made a much larger pouch (~ 8" wide x 10" tall), because I intended to felt the BEJESUS out of it, so that it would be sturdy enough to remain impervious to pointy objects such as scissors and crochet hooks. I knew from previous experience that the mosaic pattern tends to shrink more along the vertical axis than the horizontal. It took about 35-40 minutes in the washing machine hot cycle to produce the desired results, and another 4-5 days for the piece to dry thoroughly. The fabric is at least 1/4” thick!! I then had to wait for the right opportunity to sew in the zipper by hand, and voilĂ .
Here are some pictures taken at different stages in the process, including a before-and-after sequence to show just how much the fabric shrank during felting, as well as a closeup of the hand-sewn zipper and a current glimpse of the pouch, complete (and replete) with contents. Click on any one of them to get a closer look.
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The second piece is my answer to the problem of how to work with beads almost anywhere. I mean, those little buggers really get around, and unless you take conscientious steps to contain them, they will use every available means of escape. Friction helps. That's why a foam bead mat is essential. I have purchased them from Earthfaire in two different sizes (although they appear to be out of stock just at the moment): a large rectangular one (11" x 15") that I keep at home, and a pair of smaller ones (8" square) that I carry around with me.
At one point during the holidays, my husband bought me some of my favorite Ferrero Rocher chocolates in a clear plastic box, approximately 6" x 9". The candy vanished almost immediately, of course, and I soon put the box to use as a carrying case for my portable bead mat(s), tiny crochet hooks, containers of beads, etc. It worked beautifully for several months. I especially liked the way that the sides of the box helped to prevent spills when the tray is bumped or prodded while in use. But the plastic was brittle and after a while the edges of the box began to crack and split. I finally had to bow to the inevitable and throw it away, creating another big gaping hole in my tool-chest, as it were.
My husband has said that he may be able to fashion me a more permanent wooden box with a hinged lid, which would be a marvelous thing, if and when. But we would have to collaborate on the design, not to mention the time he must spend in his workshop to fabricate the thing, and meanwhile I needed something STAT. So I went to the drawing board on my own...
In the end, some of my more grandiose and complex ideas gave way to a very simple concept. I decided to make one of the small square bead mats into a portable bead-working kit. Fortunately, I happened to have some remnants of a brightly-colored batik fabric that I knew would do the trick. I cut out a rectangle big enough so that each edge could be folded over twice and fit over/around the bead mat, with an extra wide border on one side where elastic could be sewn to hold the two crochet hooks that I use with beads (1 mm for 6/0 beads and 0.5 mm for the 8/0 size). I carefully mitered the corners and sewed two seams around the mat 1/8" apart, to keep everything secure. Add a handy tie to the center back, and the whole thing can be rolled up neatly with the crochet hooks on the inside and tucked away for safe keeping when not in use.
The following series of photos shows both the front and the back of the piece when it is unfolded for use, as well as how it looks when everything is stowed away. Click on any of these images to see a larger view (especially the one on the upper left, for a closeup of the crochet hooks held in place by their elastic band).
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OOO pretty!! Now, that is a spiffy solution to both problems. I am not exactly enamoured of my "tool bag" and have been looking for a replacement. The obvious is always the best. Make my own. Duh.
ReplyDeleteGreat solutions and cute (very practical) solutions! I love your new tool bag, it is so cute!